County Commissioners recognize growing county 4-H program

LOCK HAVEN, PA – The Clinton County Commissioners at their Thursday meeting declared March 12-18 as Pennsylvania 4-H week. A delegation of 4-H participants was present to be recognized.

Christine Showers, 4-H Director in the county, detailed program growth within the county, describing it as “growing like crazy.” She said 139 county youth between the ages of 5 and 18 are presently participating with an expectation of continued growth during the warmer months. She said a couple hundred additional county young people also participate through 1-and-2 day events throughout the year.

Showers has been involved in the local program through Penn State Extension for a year. She noted the expansion of 4-H into the Renovo area over that period and stated additional information on program offerings may be found at the organization’s website.

The commissioner-approved proclamation said 4-H is the largest youth development organization in the country and includes 77,000 members in Pennsylvania.

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