Downtown Rotary Of Lock Haven Continues Tradition

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Downtown Rotary of Lock Haven continues a tradition started by Dr. Betty Schantz and the Daughters of the American Revolution. They prepared Christmas bags for veterans filled with toiletries and activity books. They were delivered to all the Clinton County nursing homes.

Forty one bags were distributed to Haven Place, Susqueview Nursing Home, Fulmer’s Personal Care Home, and Eagle Ridge. The bags were prepared by Rotarians Jeanne Baker, Janine Bruno, Diahann Heverly, Marianne Lofti, Wendy Doherty, and Carmen Banfill.

Lt. Terry Banfill, a veteran, helped distribute the gifts. He enjoyed talking with some of the veterans.

As an added touch, the Bald Eagle Presbyterian Church donated lap robes knitted or crocheted by the prayer shawl ministry. The veterans were very appreciative of their gifts.


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