Words of Grace
By Rev. Mahlon Nevel
“Freely you have received,” Jesus said, “freely give.” These words were spoken to the 12 apostles who were sent out to preach the gospel.
Old frank, as he was called, knew what it meant to freely receive and freely give. In his mid-eighties, his face was deeply wrinkled and he used a walker to get around.
Although he lived alone, he had a number of friends who visited him regularly. He always gave them a spiritual lift and they left his house having been greatly blessed.
Because old Frank was a shut-in not able to get out to church, his Pastor came to visit him every week. Each time he called on him in his home, the pastor was handed a church envelope containing a gift for the church.
On one of these visits, the pastor had a thought come to him. Perhaps Frank needs the money more than the church does. So he suggested to him that the church was doing well financially and didn’t really need his gift.
Old frank smiled when he heard these words. As he handed his envelope to him he said, “Pastor, the church may not need my offering, but I need to give it.”
Remember what Jesus said if you have freely received then freely give.