County relaxes mask requirements in county buildings
LOCK HAVEN, PA – Clinton County Commissioner Angela Harding announced at the county board’s work session on Monday that those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 are no longer required to wear masks while on county property or in county buildings. But for those not vaccinated, mask wearing must continue.
Her announcement follows an update from the federal CDC last week relaxing the mask-wearing directive.
Harding pointed out that so far about a third of the county population has been vaccinated (a figure well below the number vaccinated across the state). She “kindly” urged the un-vaccinated, for the “sake and health of others,” to wear a mask. She said the continued masking request for those unvaccinated covers both visitors and county employees.
On a related note, Sheriff Kerry Stover said the Garden Building, as of Monday of this week, will be allowing visitors inside, a first since the pandemic brought an end to outside visitations last year. He said as of Monday, employees from the county probation department will receive up to five people at a time. After consultation with the office of President Judge Craig Miller, Stover said, that number will increase to 10 as of Monday, May 24. A badge system will be used so the maximum limits are not exceeded, he said.
The sheriff said he will have the names of several new staff members to provide needed Garden Building entrance security for county board action at their voting session on Thursday of this week.