New program now open for eligible Clinton County renters impacted by pandemic
LOCK HAVEN, PA – “That’s a lot of money,” said Clinton County Planning Director Katy de Silva as she announced Thursday that a new program to assist renters negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is now up and running. The county has in fact $2,540,838.37 to distribute to eligible county tenants in arrears, due to the pandemic, on rent or utility payments.
The county commissioners Thursday gave their approval to a “sub-recipient monitoring agreement” among the county, the county housing authority and the Clinton County Housing Coalition for administration of the emergency rental assistance program. The money flowed to the county from the state Department of Human Services.
de Silva announced that program particulars can now be found on the county website at As explained on the website, an application for assistance may be submitted by either an eligible household or by a landlord on behalf of that eligible household. In general, funds will be paid directly to landlords and utility service providers.
Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional three months if the housing coalition agency determines that extra months are needed to ensure “housing stability and funds are available.”
Applicants are strongly urged to apply through the state Department of Human Services at Applications can also be found and printed from the housing coalition’s website at If an applicant does not have access to the internet, paper applications may be picked up at the Clinton County Housing Coalition’s office at rear 330 E. Main Street, Lock Haven.