New County Unemployment Info Out

HARRISBURG, PA – The weekly unemployment claim information for the week ending Dec. 12 presented a mixed bag for Clinton County, according to the state Department of Labor and Industry.

The continued unemployment claims increased slightly to 923 as compared to 904 for the week ending Dec. 5, according to department numbers that were issued Friday. The Dec. 12 continued claim numbers showed 20% were in the construction field and 56% were male. Initial or first-time claims, that number decreased. The Dec. 12 number showed 161 new claims, and there were 187 new filings the week prior. The 161 includes 72% who are male, and 31% are in the construction field.

The department did not list any Clinton County residents exhausting their benefits during the week of Dec. 12. The prior week, 43 had their benefits expire.
The November unemployment rate for counties is expected to be released by the state around Jan. 5. The October rate for Clinton County was 6.9%.



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