Renovo Elementary Student Contracts MRSA
FARWELL – The Keystone Central School District Wednesday sent out an advisory that a student at Renovo Elementary School in Farwell has come down with MRSA, a staph bacteria/skin infection resistant to antibiotics.
The notice came Wednesday morning from district superintendent Dr.Alan Lonoconus:
An Important Message from Superintendent, Dr. Alan Lonoconus:
Today we were made aware that a student at Renovo Elementary School has tested positive for MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus).
We are taking all necessary precautions and following school policy which includes: notifying the district, cleaning and sanitizing all common areas, restrooms, and locker rooms, and offering information to the public.
We would like to remind all students and their families to practice cleanliness and good hygiene. Always take gym clothes and practice clothes home to be washed. If able, shower after in school and after school activities.
If you have concerns or questions, contact:
Ms. Joy Grenell, RN Bucktail High School 570.923.1166
Ms. Pam Porter, RN Renovo Elementary 570.923.2100
The safety of our students and staff are our top priority.
Thank you for your understanding,
Dr. Alan Lonoconus
Download and review the PA Department of Health MRSA Fact Sheet