Fish/Kayak Passage Along River Around Grant Street Dam Being Considered

By Christopher Miller

WOODWARD TOWNSHIP – Clinton County Commissioner Jeff Snyder was present at Tuesday night’s meeting to ask township supervisors for permission to enter their property along the river to conduct a feasibility study for a potential fishing and kayak passage bypassing the Grant Street Dam on the Woodward Township side of the river.

“The County Recreation Committee is working on building a passage around the dam, and we have met with the Stoner’s and they are on board, representatives with the Fish and Boat Commission are excited about it, and I am here to ask you for permission to conduct a feasibility study at this time,” Snyder asked the supervisors.

Referencing the recent kayak and canoe competition on the river, Snyder remarked at how the successful event brought lots of people into Clinton County and if the study proves favorable for the project, could lead to a connection to the river and Lycoming County.

“When we receive the results of the feasibility study, I and members of the committee will come back to discuss this with you further,” Snyder said. “This is just a stepping stone to move forward with the project if the study shows that it is feasible.”

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