Bucktail Football Unites: New Head Coach Kevin Ransom Leads Program Dinner as Seniors Inspire Team with Words of Pride and Leadership
New Bucktail football head coach Kevin Ransom and all of the Bucks’ football coaching staff held a program dinner where junior high and varsity players got together and were eventually joined by parents. Team goals and highlights of the upcoming seasons were discussed with the most powerful moments coming from the 5 Bucktail seniors. Brody Pentz, Gavin Yachymiak, Martin Lewis, Jeremy Gallagher and Talan Ditty all stood up and offered thoughts on what it’s like to take pride in playing Bucktail football. “It worked for everyone on the team” Ransom said of the evening. “The older kids have seen what the seniors have meant and will mean as leaders this season, while the junior high kids really look up to their accomplishments, I’m proud of what the 5 seniors offered their teammates and junior high players”.