Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

In the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua we learn about what happened on the day that Joshua led Israel in a battle against the Amorites. The Lord promised to give them the victory over their enemy.

It was a great day in the history of Israel. At the command of Joshua, God caused the sun to stand still. (V.12) There was never a day before it or after it. (V.14).

The prophet Habakkuk also wrote of this miracle: “The sun and moon stood still in their habitation.” (3:11) The Creator of the sun and moon has power over all his creation.

Jesus spoke about two days we should be concerned about. There is “this day” and there is “that day.” We trust the Lord for today, and we look ahead to the future. There is coming a day.
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History that, back in Colonial times, there was what was called a “Dark Day.” It seemed as if the sun had just forgotten to rise one morning.

People were in a state of panic. Many of them, believing that the Last Day had come, rushed to the churches to pray.

The Connecticut Legislature was in session that morning. One trembling legislator moved for an adjournment so that the members might prepare themselves for the final hour.

But concerning “that day,” nobody knows the hour, according to Matthew 24:36.

A gospel song reminds us: “There is coming a day.”



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