Letter to the Editor

September 29, 2022

There’s a descriptive expression- a ‘Work of Art’ -or a- ‘Piece of Art Work’… In the PA Senatorial race, the Democrat candidate can simply be described as – ‘A Piece of Work’! If ‘Uncle Fester’ of the Addams Family Values had a twin, his name would be John Fetterman-Addams. Per the ‘Values’ of John Fetterman-Addams- He has none of the value to Pennsylvania. The only thing he brings to the PA Senatorial candidacy is – ‘Get Out of Jail’ free cards for convicted felons. And He’s a ‘defund the police’ advocate, not Dr. Oz. , or the Republican Party.

As to Republican candidate Oz’s platform, he is running on exactly what ‘Made America Great Again’ after the 2016 presidential election. Can you believe Uncle Fester’s Master (Quid-Quo-Pro Joe Biden) refers to MAGA supporters as ‘White Supremacists or Radical Extremists’, and a threat to American democracy. Evidently the media in Hawaii doesn’t, ‘Air -or- ‘put-to-ink’, the state of the economy back here on the ‘Mainland’. Prices must be palatable there in ‘Paradise’, though? Gas is still over $5.00 a gallon back there. And the only reason gas prices have dropped a bit is because Biden has ‘tapped’ into the U.S. Strategic Premium Oil Reserves.  Once the 2022 midterms are over, you can bet the gas prices will go back up. When (then) President Trump, in the spring of 2020, wanted to fill the oil reserves-capacity to near maximum, Democrats ‘blocked’ the motion. Using their old mantra- Republicans only want to ‘profit’ the rich oil companies.  Oil was at $24.00 a barrel at the time. Biden will be buying oil to replace what he ‘tapped’ into, for (at least) $80.00 per barrel. Good economics, eh?

It’s a joke to say the Republican Party candidates have nothing to ‘run-on’ except the challenge that the 2020 election was stolen. Everything Trump enacted while president, that ‘roared’ the country back to life after the eight years under Obama/Biden administration, was promptly cancelled by Biden. And the country is ‘reeling’ because of it. What the Republicans are ‘running-on’ in the November midterms are the very same policies that saved America under Trump. All the Socialist Democrats have to ‘run-on’ is to be against anything or anyone associated with Trump. The socialists can’t run on the economy. It’s a disaster. The Border? – It’ a Sieve! Crime? – Rampant! The only way the socialists can stop the ‘Red-Wave’ that’s coming in November, is the same way they stopped Trump from being elected in 2020 … Period!

Make America Great Again- Again

Paul Johnson
Breesport, NY



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