Efforts underway to resolve issues on stalled Lock Haven Motel project

LOCK HAVEN, PA – Steps are proceeding to get the stalled Lock Haven Motel project moving again. Renovations to the motel at 300 Hogan Boulevard in Bald Eagle Township stopped on February 16 after it was determined that developer Troy Musser of Jersey Shore had not obtained all the needed permits.
Musser representative Tibben Zerby from Century Engineering of Centre Hall appeared before the Clinton County Planning Commission Tuesday night. He was there, he said, as part of “trying to get (the project) back on track.” He answered multiple questions from planning commission members and county planning director Katie de Silva. The project needs a review from the county planning board to proceed. Zerby reported the Bald Eagle Township planning board had met on Monday of this week as part of the needed review process. Ultimately the township supervisors must pass judgment on the issue.
Zerby acknowledged the renovation project, converting 28 motel rooms into suites, had begun without needed zoning and building permits. Developer Musser last month attributed the snafu to “miscommunication.” He was not present at the planning commission meeting.
Zerby reported on a Feb. 28 meeting with all the parties involved to resolve any differences so the renovation work will be able to resume. No time frame was indicated as to when all the necessary approvals will be in place.
Musser’s company had acquired the hotel from previous owner Ron Pete on January 4 for $520,000, according to records at the county assessment office. Musser subsequently began renovations to the 28-unit, one-level structure. He said his firm was developing an “upscale” motel, adding a living room to each unit, the end product to be called “the Lock Haven Motel and Suites.”