LHU hosts annual Natural Sciences Convocation

LOCK HAVEN, PA – The 61st annual Lock Haven University Natural Sciences Convocation was held on Nov. 12 in the Ulmer Hall Planetarium. The event is organized by the Natural Sciences Departments at LHU, which include Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Physics, to celebrate the academic achievements of students in the sciences.
The welcome was given by Dr. Shonah Hunter, a professor in the Biology Department who also served as the emcee for the event. Opening remarks were given by Dr. Ron Darbeau, provost and vice president of academic affairs.
The keynote speaker was Jennie McMahon, who graduated from LHU cum laude in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in biology/chemistry and is a supervisory DNA analyst in the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System, Dept. of Defense DNA Operations at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. The title of her presentation was “Fulfilling our Nation’s Promise: Human Identification Using DNA.”
Awards for academic achievement were present to students in biological sciences, chemistry, geology and physics. Students receiving awards were:
• Austin Craig, of Bellefonte, Intermediate General Physics Award
• Dustin Hassenmayer, of Dingmans Ferry, Intermediate General Physics Award
• McKenzie Heinbaugh, of Mercersburg, Physics I and II Award
• Tanner Walter, of New Columbia, Principles of Geology Award
• Hudson Werner, of Allenwood, Advancement in Geology Award
• Kenneth Whitty, of Renovo, Dr. Donald and Linda Green Geology Scholarship
• Kayla Forlenza, of Exeter, Biology Honors Award
• Amber LaGrelius, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Biology Honors Award
• Lydia Delp, of Benton, Hunter-Harnishfeger Scholarship
• Shayla Graham, of Blanchard, Paul F. & Shirley R. Klens Biology Scholarship
• Kiersten Lloyd, of Red Lion, Principles of Biology Award
• Amber LaGrelius, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, Mary Pursell Award in Genetics
• Jacob Watson, of Mill Hall, Alfred Hoberman Chemistry Scholarship
• Anna Cowfer, of Renovo, Rose Witt Kleinman Scholarship
The convocation committee was chaired by Hunter and also included Dr. Brent May, Dr. Kurt Rublein, Dr. Jennifer Bandura, Dr. Dan Spooner and Cheryl Karstetter.