Optimist Roundtable 11/4
By Martha Sykes
There are many hurting hearts in the world. But we can thank God because He can heal them all. He is the one that has answers for this lost, corrupt and dying world. He is the answer to all of the world’s problems.
We can read many stories throughout the Scriptures about Jesus healing people. He healed the sick, the blind, the lame, the lost, the doubting, and many more.
In the book of Mark, chapter 10, we can read about the rich man who had everything but he didn’t have Christ. He wanted to know about eternal life so Jesus told him to give away his treasures and help the poor. As we read this passage, we realize that this man walked away from Jesus. Important words from this passage are found in verse 27 where Jesus said, “ with God all things are possible”. Jesus can heal in many ways and He is the One who can save us and grant us eternal life.
I would like to share a poem that I wrote:
Jesus is the One with the power
To heal and to forgive
To make our hearts more loving
It is for Him that we must live
We read story after story
Of how Jesus was ready to heal
Of how He told so many
That His love for us was real
We don’t need things in this world
Worldly things are not the lasting kind
But what we need is to love our Jesus
And have a God-like state of mind
To turn our hearts and lives to God
To love our neighbor and help the poor
To ask the Holy Spirit to help us
So that we can do so much more
It is our faith that matters
In all that we say or do
We need to live for Jesus
To honor him through and through