Lock Haven Christian Women’s Connection Hosts “Lion’s Share” Luncheon on February 26
LOCK HAVEN – On Wednesday, February 26,2025 The Lock Haven Christian Women’s Connection will enjoy the “Lion’s Share” Luncheon. The program will be held at the Flemington First Church of Christ, 714 Canal Street, Allison Township. There is always good food, lots of fun, Door Prizes, music from gifted vocalists, and inspiring speakers that help inform and encourage ladies to make a most memorable day.
The theme of February’s lunch is ”The Lion’s Share”. The Feature Guest for the luncheon will be, Keith Shaw from the Howard Lion’s Club. He will inform the ladies of the extensive work of the Howard Club, especially their programs that are available free of charge.
The special music guest for the luncheon will be an area favorite, Elaine Barth, vocalist extraordinaire.
The guest speaker for the day is Julie Henninger who is the Amerasian born adopted daughter of famous author Pearl S. Buck. Julie has authored a book as well, entitled “A Rose in a Ditch”
The program begins at 11:50 AM. The cost of $17.00 per person includes lunch, entertainment, inspirational speaker and free parking. The group has been meeting at the current location for over ten years. Due to the rise in the cost of living, the luncheon fee will be $17 beginning at this February luncheon. All area women are invited. The location allows for on-site childcare for young mothers. Nursery reservations must be made at the time that luncheon reservations are made. Mothers are asked to bring a lunch or snack for the child.
This is a perfectly good time to meet new friends and catch up with long-time friends! The luncheon is a warm and welcoming way to renew and refresh. The dates for Christian Women s’ Luncheons for the rest of 2025 are: April 23, June 25, September 10, October 29, December 3. The group is requesting all who plan to attend make reservations. Reservations MUST be made by February 20 by calling Bobbie Jo at 570-748-8708, by calling or texting Jerri at 570-295-5725 or by emailing Ann at lockhavencwc@aol.com. All reservations for the luncheon MUST be honored.
Submitted by Bobbie Jo Simcox