Keystone Central masking mandate update posted

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP, PA – Keystone Central School District Superintendent Jacquelyn Martin on Friday provided district parents/guardians updated information as to the district response to the state mandate requiring masks for students and staff. Her comments amplify information she presented at the school board meeting on Thursday night:

September 3, 2021

Earlier this week we welcomed our students back into our schools for the 21-22 school year. Amidst all of this excitement, we received notification from Governor Wolf, Alison Beam (Acting Secretary of Health) and Noe Ortega (Secretary of Education) that a new Order from the PA Department of Health (PA DoH) requires masks to be worn by all students and staff inside all schools effective on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. This Order overrides our board approved Health and Safety Plan and requires schools to comply.

We received legal advice from several attorneys and it is clear that we have no choice but to follow the mandated mask order. The mandate applies to schools, not members of the community. There are no consequences for parents, however there are severe consequences for school officials, employees and board members who do not enforce it.

I have received many emails and phone calls from parents and community members about the mask debate for over a year now. The issue has become more politically and emotionally charged in recent months and quite frankly is overshadowing the two most important things we should be focused on: 1) our kids need to be in person in schools with our teachers and 2) school activities are essential in the overall development of children and young adults.

We need our schools to stay open and we must all work together to support our students and staff. If the number of cases escalates above 5% positivity, or if we are unable to enforce this mask order, we will be looking at a full remote model again.

I am respectfully asking for your unified support and cooperation to follow the school mandated masking order in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus, lower the number of cases in our community, and to prevent the rise in cases in our schools.

Here is some key information from KCSD regarding the new Order:

● There are new guidelines for contact tracing that can greatly reduce the number of students that will have to quarantine. Students who are known to be a contact of a positive case will not have to quarantine if both of the students were masked. We are hopeful that this will help keep our students in school for in person learning.
● Parents should supply a mask for those who attend our schools – we will have masks on hand for those who need one.
● Masks only need to be worn indoors and on busses and can be removed for eating/drinking, and PE. ● Students in rigorous activities such as PE or athletics will not need to wear masks ● Teachers and staff will provide mask breaks throughout the day
● Mask Exemptions are outlined in the Order. If you had a documented exemption on file last year, it is still in effect. If you have documentation from a physician of a new exemption, it should be sent to the school nurse.
● Students who are not compliant with the district policy (which includes the mask mandate) may be assigned to a separate learning location for remote learning until sent home. Remote learning will only
be approved as a temporary measure until documentation is provided, or another solution has been sought.
● Students who refuse to wear a mask and whose parent or guardian has not sought an exception that is outlined in the order may be subject to consequences in the disciplinary code – I am again asking that we prevent getting to this point.
● We are extending the enrollment deadline for those who wish to leave in person learning and enroll in the KCSD Virtual Academy.

With mask compliance, we can greatly reduce the number of students in quarantine. Having your cooperation will permit us to keep our schools open, activities and athletic events available to our students and provide the best possible learning experience for our students.

Dr. Jacquelyn Martin

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