Sugar Valley Rural Charter to follow state mask mandate

LOGANTON, PA – Sugar Valley Rural Charter School students will join those masking-up effective next Tuesday, per a notice to school parents posted Friday by SVRCS CEO Tracie Kennedy.

Kennedy said the school is required to comply with the mask order, noting there are exceptions to the mask rules.

Her statement:

September 3, 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

On August 31, 2021, the Department of Health released a statement that states that each teacher, child/student, staff, visitor working, attending, or visiting a school entity shall wear a face covering indoors beginning on Tuesday, September 7th.

SVRCS is required to comply with this mask order as per our 2021-2022 Health and Safety plan. We will be offering students a mask every morning upon arrival to school. Masks are not required indoors if engaging in physical activity (physical education or sports practice), eating and drinking. Mask breaks will also be given to the students.

What are the potential consequences if a school entity fails to comply with the Order?

School officials who fail to adhere to the order could lose the protection of sovereign immunity and may personally face lawsuits from those who may be affected by any official’s attempt to ignore the order. Failing to implement or follow the control measures may expose individuals to personal liability under 42 Pa.C.S § 8550 (relating to willful misconduct), as well as other remedies as provided by law. Failure to implement and follow the control measures under the Order also subjects a person to the penalty provisions of the Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955.

Exceptions to the mask rules are attached to the letter in the link provided here.
School officials have already advocated to our local legislators, and we urge you to express your concern to them, too.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support in these difficult times.
Tracie Kennedy

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