We Bought a House

Timber! Plenty of Wood to Burn

By Christopher Miller

If you’ve been reading my columns, you may have read in the past that I cut down some smaller trees with a Sawzall and a 12″ blade. Granted, the trees were more of a nuisance when it came to cutting the grass and leaving skin-piercing leaves on the ground. I got some GREAT comments on that one!

This past weekend I finally had the luxury of using a chainsaw to cut and trim everything back that has been lying dead in the yard (and out of reach of 10+ extension cords connected together). We have a few trees and large bushes in the yard and gardens that are beyond dead. Needless to say – I will be buying a chainsaw in the very near future!

My family made the trek from the Lehigh Valley to spend the weekend with us in the mountains. I really hate doing this and “putting people to work,” but with the extra help from my parents and brother it’s really a big help to have…the help!

Kate and I had walked the yard many times making mental notes of what was dead, almost-dead, and still very much alive. Basically anything not blooming and green right now during the heat of summer is considered to be dead and can get the axe.

Our side yard contains two “strips” of trees, bushes, and flowers. The one closest to the road is the nicer of the two and provides the most curb appeal for passers-by. And of course, this was the one that required the most work!

We removed what looked to be 2 small trees; 1 of which appeared to be bleeding as we cut it at the trunk, and the other just an old, short Eastern Cedar. The smaller of the two, the “bleeding” one, made the best crackle and sizzle when we threw it into the fire! It was really a shock to see how clean the area looks now where these two once thrived.

We had left the downed log where it landed – yes, the one that I fell with the Sawzall. It was a quick cut into 8 – 2 foot sections for later burns.

At the far edge of the property was a dead pine tree; I was able to peel off large sections of bark like it was old wallpaper. It came down relatively easy after my dad made the first few cuts then leaving me to do the final trimming and cutting of limbs.

On Sunday morning, we spent the first few hours of the day clearing the brush, logs, and limbs. I thought that Kate and I would have been left to do this during the week, but we are very happy and grateful to have had the surprise help clearing the brush away!

I also have the chainsaw on loan now, so I wonder what else I can get away with cutting down in the yard!

Quickly – for those readers who will get The Record before the end of the week, I really want to urge you to go to the Clinton County Fair this year.

Wear a mask if it makes you comfortable, but after the last year of uncertainty that we all had, the enjoyment of a county fair will perk your mood back up. Catch a show, over-eat on the fair food, check out the exhibits, pet a farm animal, hold a chicken, learn how to lure butterflies to your yard – something! Just get out and have some clean, safe, fun.

Enjoy yourself, Clinton County.



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