Letter to the Editor

KCSD Board Meeting

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent school board meeting held on October 3rd. The level of disruption, lack of respect for one another, and animosity displayed was disheartening. It is imperative that we remember the primary focus of these meetings should be the well-being and education of our children, not political party affiliations as one of the board members referenced an issue being “woke”.

During the meeting, there were several specific incidents that were particularly troubling. For instance, there were multiple instances of board members interrupting each other, raising their voices, and making personal attacks. This kind of behavior is not only unprofessional but also sets a poor example for our students. Additionally, the constant bickering and inability to reach a consensus on important issues only serve to hinder progress and create a toxic environment.

Our school board members have a responsibility to set a positive example for our students. The current behavior is not only unproductive but also sends the wrong message to our children about how to handle disagreements and work together towards a common goal. It is time for our school board members to put aside their differences and prioritize the best interests of the students.

Dr. Redmon was hired as Superintendent because the school board recognized his many qualities and extensive experience in education. However, it appears that he is outnumbered on every decision, which undermines the very reason he was brought on board. It is crucial that the board supports his leadership and works collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for our students.

I urge all members of the school board to come together, collaborate, and make decisions that will benefit our children and their future. Let us not forget that our primary goal is to provide a safe, supportive, and enriching educational environment for every student. Furthermore, I encourage our community to get involved and hold our school board accountable. Attend meetings, voice your concerns, and support initiatives that prioritize our children’s education. Together, we can create a positive and productive environment for our students to thrive.

A Concerned Grandmother in KCSD.

Mary George Rhone
Renovo, PA

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