Scholarships Established to Honor the Late Franklin and Donna Walker

Loving parents.
People of faith.
Those are among the words describing the late Franklin L. and Donna R. Walker, two local high school sweethearts who made a life and a family together in Lock Haven.
In honor of the couple, their daughter, Suzanne Emmet, and her family have established the Franklin and Donna Walker Memorial Scholarship through the Clinton County Community Foundation.
“My family and I established this scholarship to honor their memory and their commitment to the Lock Haven community,” Suzanne said.
Each year, two Central Mountain High School graduates who enroll at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven and major in business accounting or physical education will be awarded a Franklin and Donna Walker Memorial Scholarship, as selected by a committee of Keystone Central School District representatives.
The scholarships shall be paid directly to the university where the recipients are enrolled.
Suzanne’s family includes her husband, Mike Emmet; son, Michael Emmet; daughter, Mary Kate Davis and son-in-law: Fraser Davis; and granddaughter, Gaia Emmet.
There is a special reason Suzanne set up the scholarship to benefit a student majoring in physical education.
It is because of a dream unrealized by her mother … a loving sacrifice she made to care for her father.
“Mom wanted to go to college to become a physical education teacher, but her father’s injury and subsequent blindness made that an impossible dream, so she went to work after high school,” Suzanne recalled.
As for a student majoring in business accounting, it’s because Franklin Walker was payroll supervisor at the former Hammermill/International Paper plant in Castanea Township before he retired in 1992.
“My father was born in Orviston in 1935, the son of McDowell and Mary Ann Walker. Mom was born in Lock Haven in 1935, the youngest daughter of Lewis and Julia Zimmerman,” Suzanne said. “My dad grew up in Orviston and my mother grew up in the Zimmerman family home at 602 Bellefonte Avenue.
“They both graduated from Lock Haven High School in 1953. They were high school sweethearts and married in 1955. They had two children – me and my older brother, Tim,” she added.
While a student at the former Lock Haven High School, Donna was a cheerleader and played on the basketball team.
After high school, Franklin proudly served in the U.S. Navy from 1954 to 1958 as a Gunner’s Mate aboard the USS Newport News.
There is another special connection to the Keystone Central School District, Suzanne explained.
“Mom worked for years and retired from Keystone Central in the kitchens of various schools, including McGhee Elementary, Robb Elementary and the high school,” she said.
Donna retired in 1997 after a long career at Keystone.
As lifelong members of St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, Frank served on church council and as an usher for many years. Donna also served on the church council and sang in the choir for many years.
“They were well-loved by everyone who knew them, and they were two of the kindest, most generous people I have ever known,” Suzanne said.
To honor loved ones or to learn more about how to benefit the community by supporting the Clinton County Community Foundation, visit, or call 570.220.1038.
For questions or more information, please contact Bob Rolley, Outreach Coordinator, at, or call 570.220.1038.