KCSD Super’s Report: COVID cases continue drop

BALD EAGLE TOWNSHIP, PA – The month of May has seen a continued drop in COVID cases across Clinton County and the drop within the school community is reflected in Friday’s weekly update from Keystone Central School District Superintendent Jacquelyn Martin:

May 28, 2021

Good Afternoon KCSD Staff and Community,

The data for community spread in our district boundaries remains in the moderate range for across our school district.  Currently within KCSD there are zero active cases of Covid-19 among our staff and only one student case.

While pandemic regulations are being lifted in our communities, schools across Pennsylvania have not been given permission to lift regulations as we are so close to the end of the school year. Here is a summary of our current pandemic measures:

  • extra cleaning/sanitizing measures in all buildings
  • daily temperature checks
  • we will continue to maintain 3 feet of social distancing whenever possible
  • we will continue to wear face coverings on a daily basis
  • when outside AND if 6 feet of social distancing can be maintained, students and staff may remove face coverings (this includes lunch, recess, and outdoor class time)
  • contact tracing will still be conducted when positive cases occur and quarantines will be enforced


Below is the most recent data for community spread for the counties in our school district:

* indicates substantial level of community spread (over 100 cases per 100,000 people)

County April 30


May 7


May 14


May 21


May 28


Clinton 176.0 93.2 80.2 64.7 31.1
Centre 178.6 94.8 62.2 32.6 24.6
Potter 145.2 175.5 181.5 187.6 24.2


I am asking all KCSD families for their assistance in completing the Pennsylvania Broadband Survey which is specifically for families who have students in K-12 schools.  The data collected will greatly assist our school district with obtaining local, state and federal broadband funding which will allow us to provide additional resources to our students and families. The survey is very brief and can be accessed at: https://tinyurl.com/broadbandsurveypa.  

The EBB is a new, temporary Federal program to help eligible families pay (up to $50 per month) for internet service during the pandemic and is expected to be available for the next six months. The Department of Education’s EBB website has further information at the following link: https://tech.ed.gov/broadband/ebb/

Learning options for Fall 2021 will include all in-person learning or KCSD Virtual Academy.  More information on the Virtual Academy option can be found at: https://oll.kcsd.k12.pa.us/

Thank you for your continued efforts during this challenging school year. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


Dr. Jacquelyn Martin



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