Letter to the Editor 4/15

Why do taxpayers pay for it?

I saw a news clip in The Express a couple days ago urging folks to get registered for the primary election. It is an important message. Not for the primary necessarily but for voters to get registered. I cannot think of a single reason why people as whiny as Americans do not, at the very least, take advantage of this opportunity.

Enough of that. Can someone explain to me why taxpayers foot the bill for the two major parties to select their candidates for the general election? There is no reasonable explanation. The majority of voters that I talk to, even though members of one of the two major parties are less than happy with either major party.

The cost of a primary election cycle in Clinton County, population approximately 38, 000, is conservatively $35, 000.00. The fact is the county could probably find a better use of that $35, 000.00. With a state population of 12.8 million people (2019 statistic) it can be extrapolated that Pennsylvania spends nearly 12 million dollars a year just on primary elections, to help the Republican and Democrat parties pick their candidates. I am absolutely sure that every county in Pennsylvania could find a better use of 12 million dollars.

Instead we use those taxes to help a two party system that accepts millions of dollars a year from corporations and private donors to pick their candidates. Why don’t they pay for the election? There are a minority number of states that do not hold primaries. Maybe it is time we follow their lead. There are only a few cities in Pennsylvania that have enough 3rd party voters to even get a slate of candidates on the primary ballot.

Let us begin election reform here. The Republicans and Democrats can hold a Caucasus or town hall meetings to select their candidates. You and I need to stop paying this bill.

Richard L Conklin
Lock Haven, PA



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