Words of Grace – May 22, 2014

WordsOfGraceWhen asked by his father about how the examination in English grammar turned out, the son answered: “Oh, I done good, Pop. I only made one mistake, and I seen that as soon as I done it.”

By the way the boy answered his father, we would assume that he did not do so well on the test. He was not as good in English grammar as he thought he was.

The Bible pictures God as looking down from heaven to see if there were any who did understand and seek after God. His conclusion was: “there is none that doeth good, no, not one” (Psalm 53:3).

According to the Scriptures, a good person is good all the time, and does nothing but good things continually. There is none good but God; only God is good. “Thou art good, and doest good” (Psalm 119:68).

It is said that God is good all the time. It can also be said that God does good things all the time. That cannot be said of us. In Proverbs 20:6, we read:

“Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness, but a faithful man who can find?” The notes in a popular Study Bible explain as follows:

“There are a lot more people who are eager to brag about themselves than there are those who are truly faithful to testify of God’s goodness.”

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