Letter to the Editor – Response to ‘Veterans Issues’

let-edTo The Editor :   A little, ‘venting’, on my own through our local paper…although I’m no longer,’local’, I DO read The Record, weekly. I was born and raised in South Renovo, but had to relocate for work purposes. I come back every few months to get spring water. I must say, Renovo, isn’t the same place that I grew up in. But that’s neither here nor there. This letter isn’t about the area, or the demise there of.

The Veteran related Bills (H.R. 466, 2875, 1168, etc.), introduced by Democrat Legislators, were subterfuge, disguised as well intended and greatly needed legislation..and as such, are/was, needed. Except for the fact that they weren’t introduced as, ‘clean-bills’ (they never are purposely)…meaning, they were loaded up with,’pork’_un-paid for pork, I might add. Done so, knowing that the GOP would vote them down, unless paid for by cuts somewhere else. A tactic used by Dems. so that they can say,’ See, those mean old GOP are anti-vets, anti-women or anti-poor, whichever the case may be at time’. Who cares that our national debt is closing in on 18 trillion dollars. We’ll let our grand-kids worry about that.

Un-employment_Rampant! Welfare_ Rampant! Food Stamp Recipients’_ at the highest level EVER! All of these Tax funded Social programs are ‘breaking’ us financially. Raise Taxes! Tax the rich more!_ How about JOBS!? Taxes can’t be raised when people aren’t working. And, all the money taken from the rich, every nickel they have, wouldn’t put a dent in our national debt. How about easing regulations on business, reining in the EPA, lowering the Corporate Tax Rate, and making the U.S. a business friendly environment? Of the ten most, ‘job-friendly’, states, nine are ‘Right To Work’ states (non-union) and have Republican Governors, that have implemented the above working conditions. It’s not rocket science_it’s common sense. Business’ locate where they can make money. And guess what? They Hire People! It’s called Capitalism-Free Enterprise! Big Government simply gets in the way and drives business out. Bottom line_ Tax, Regulate and Spend, doesn’t work, never did!

How many trillions of dollars have been spent on programs to supposedly elevate the poor in this country. All that money has been wasted. The poor are still poor, if not poorer. Give the poor a job, or at the very least, make them work for the hand-outs, no more freebies. Someone is paying for the gratis_they are called, ‘working-tax-payers’. . The inner-cities are proof of that. The more ‘you’ give, the more ‘they’ take. But then again, the Dems. know that. It’s called, ‘A Voting Base’. Why do you suppose the big cities have Democratic Mayors?

Education is another ‘bottomless pit’. What has all the money invested in education gotten us? The U.S is so far down the list of education standards world wide, its pathetic. More money invested isn’t the answer. Quality Teachers and curriculum is the key…and abolishing the NEA (national educators association) Union that protects bad teachers is paramount. Affordable education is a major Democratic mantra. Do you suppose the NEA is a major donor to the DNC?..bet on it !! Government sticking it’s nose in the Student Loan Program, guaranteeing loans to College Students backed by,us, the tax payer is ludicrous. ‘They’ (Dems.) say college tuition is out of hand…Duh ! Do you think Colleges are going to lower their fees, knowing the government is going to guarantee loans? And to top it off, ‘we’ guarantee the colleges turn out ‘socialist’ thinking graduates…if it wasn’t so scary, it would be a joke.

Bill O’reilly syndrome? Tell me what O’bama has done right? Other than exactly what he said he was going to do from the onset_Change, This Country, and the way we do things. He’s been, ‘spot on’. Like what you see?

And the disgust over the closing of the WWII memorial during the government shut-down..initiated by the Pres., Dems., as well as the GOP, because none of the 3 would budge on the Budget, is justly felt. But the truth is, the closing of the Memorial didn’t have to happen. The Adminstration, CHOSE, to do so…just like ‘they’ chose to close the White House for school-kids tours. The Memorial is an ‘open-space’, 24/7, no guard or ‘fee’ taker, barricade free, memorial. ‘They’ tried to make it a, ‘shame-on-republican’s’, event, sponsored by the lap-dog media. And for that, shame on the Administration. Look it up.__ So, the GOP folded, like a cheap tent, over the budget and the implementation of the ACA (o’bama care) AND, a debt-ceiling. Now, here we are_ the ACA is dragging us through the mud, and the worst is yet to come. We have the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious scandal, NSA lies, and NOW, the VA is about to be investigated…Not to mention, our military is being, ‘gutted’, at a time when China is pumping money into theirs..Russia, is ‘saber-rattling’, Iran, is about to be a Nuclear threat, and we sit by and watch it all unfold.  Guess one could say, ‘the chickens have come home to roost’_check the hen house, it’s full!

Paul Johnson
Breesport, NY

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