Borowicz Again Candidate for State House
The Borowicz candidacy was announced Friday at a GOP function at the Restless Oaks restaurant. U.S. Congressman Glenn Thompson made the announcement and, according to a Lock Haven Express story, offered “his full support and endorsement.”
Borowicz has not previously indicated an intention on running again, but was called by the GOP in the wake of the Hanna retirement announcement. According to the Express, she prayed and “I asked Jesus if he wanted me to do this and I received a clear yes.”
The elder Hanna overcame a Donald Trump sweep in Clinton County in 2016 and a heavily financed Borowicz campaign in winning a 14th term two years ago by a 53-47 margin.
Hanna’s son Mike Hanna Jr. earlier this month announced his plans to seek the state House seat.
According to the Express story, Congressman Thompson treated party leaders and Borowicz family members to lunch at Friday’s candidacy announcement event.