Fort the Record – April, 24, 2014

by Barb Mastriania

Spring cleanup this Saturday …

This Saturday the Renovo Improvement Committee is holding its second annual area cleanup for residents to get rid out outside litter and clutter as well as some large items. The organizers are stressing that the cleanup is for yard and outdoors only. It is not to get rid of household garbage and trash. A list of items that will be accepted for free disposal and locations where to take them appears elsewhere in this issue. The improvement committee is comprised of Lee Walker of the Renovo Community Trade Association and officials from Chapman and Noyes townships and Renovo and South Renovo boroughs.

Congratulations Tim …

Congratulations are due to Chapman Township’s Tim Horner who has been named president of the Pennsylvania Association of Township Supervisors, an organization of officials from most of the municipalities in the state. After reading the news release of the posts Tim has held and the number of organizations he is involved with, I wonder when he has time to sleep and eat. I’ve always heard that if you want something done, you ask a busy person to help. Tim is definitely an example of a busy persons who somehow finds time to do the things that need done.

Don’t mess with the girls …

In a recent conversation I mentioned that I had heard there used to be a Bobbi Brooks sewing

factory in Renovo. When I was growing up a sewing factory near us also made Bobbi Brooks blouses. In fact it seemed like there were sewing factories in every town I know. I’m not sure how long the sewing factory was in Renovo, or when it closed. I’m told there was a strike, and the picket line got violent when scabs crossed the line. And from the conversation, I gather female strikers are no less passionate about their job than the male employees. Any information about the strike and the sewing factory will be appreciated.

Illegal election? …

Speaking of discontent … I was looking through a Renovo Daily Record dated Friday, Dec. 6, 1966 and found an article about the employees of Divco Wayne. It said the employees who were members of T.W. U. Local were calling an election held on Wednesday illegal.

Apparently a John E. Kelley and a Joe Cavallero won contested offices as president and vice president, but John O’Toole, a shop steward at Divco Wayne contended that employees were not given the required notice of the nomination meeting. Divco Wayne, according to the news story, was in the process of discontinuing operations at South Renovo. It did not say what Divco Wayne produced.

Flatgrass ? …

I’m interested in a place called Flatgrass. It was somewhere in this region, but I don’t think it was in Clinton County.


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