In Support of Joshua House

let-edTo the Editor:

Friends and neighbors of Renovo. In reference to the Joshua House, I too was somewhat ambivalent on the Joshua House primarily because of its proximity to the Rec Center. However, I believe that the idea is excellent. A Faith based place where you actually live in a Christ centered environment and see Christ modeled for you every day is by far the proven way for lasting and sustained recovery. Teen Challenge is an international faith based program founded by David Wilkerson and is statistically the most successful program available. Teen Challenge has programs available to adults as well as youth. Just in PA alone there are 3 facilities, Rehrersburg, which is in Berks County, Philadelphia and a facility in Western PA.

As an ex alcoholic I am well aware of the difficulties of recovery. Over 30 years ago I went to The Caron Foundation in Wernersville PA (at that time it was known as Chit Chat Farms.) As most secular programs it required at least a 48 hour detox before you were allowed into the regular 28 day program. Upon leaving there you were required to attend 30 meetings in 30 days (either AA or NA.) I followed all the rules and ended up using the program as my new crutch, sometimes attending 3 meetings a day. I was far from “sober” but I remained “dry” for 5 years until my best friend committed suicide, then I used that as an excuse to start all over again. And as statistics would have it my 2nd round was worse than the first. Finally I realized I had to do something or I would wind up either dead or in jail so I chose another secular facility located at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Reading called the Neuman Center, another 28 day program. Thank God I had good insurance at work and a good work history or I would never have been able to go the 2nd time.

Again I was “dry” until I one evening while attending classes at Reading Community College I met a gentleman who in time helped lead me to Christ. All the programs in the world are only temporary, without the Lord nothing can bring spiritual change, let alone, transformation. I am convinced that the battle we are facing with the drug epidemic is a spiritual battle. It will not be won by government intervention, community activists or psychological help. This battle can only be won in churches and in homes of people who humbly come before the Lord in prayer and cry out to Him for our loved ones. My youngest son is 44 years old and has been incarcerated at least 5 times for DUI and related offenses. It breaks my heart but I always remember the song we used to sing at St. James Chapel Church of God in Christ, a little “black” church on South 9th Street in Reading PA where I gave my heart to the Lord. St James was in the heart of the hood where druggies ruled the roost, and the song was “Somebody Prayed For Me.”

I am where I am today because like many of you, my mom was a prayer warrior and spent countless hours on her knees for her wayward son. I know that if God can do it for me, he can do it for my son and sons and daughters all around the world. How about you and I making a covenant with each other and the Lord to pray daily for those caught in this hellish environment of addiction? And then make a plan to enlist other prayer warriors with the same commitment.

I have spoken to many people with differing opinions on the Joshua House who inevitably said the same thing; I have prayed about my decision. That my dear friends is the key that will open the door for all those caught up in this web of addiction and also the key that will defeat the real enemy; satan who is the ultimate “pusher.”

Our nation is filled with beautiful churches full of empty pews. Those that are thriving are all too often filled with people of little commitment and conviction. We must tear down the barriers and come to the Lord in one accord if we are to bring change to this great nation. People always say “what can I do, I’m just one person?” Let us be the catalyst to bring change to that kind of thinking and replace it with Philippians 4:13 ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Humbly Serving the King ,

Pastor Rich Colvin
South Renovo

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