WCC May Plan 175th Celebration

by Barbara Mastriania

CC175_logoRENOVO – Western Clinton County communities may be holding a special anniversary celebration marking the county’s 175th anniversary this spring or summer, the event timed for warm weather.

Chris Graw, a Noyes Township supervisor and resident brought up the idea of an area celebration Monday at the Community Trade Association meeting.

Clinton County officials kick-off the county wide celebration Thursday evening with a program at the Clinton County Courthouse in Lock Haven. Also Thursday the Renovo Area Community Choir is to present a program for the Kiwanis Club at the Elks Club in Lock Haven.

Graw Monday asked municipal leaders in the western end of the county to consider working together to have an area celebration. The idea was a spinoff from the WCC cleanup last year that turned into a major event.

Lee Walker, chairman of the CTA’s Community Improvement Committee that originated and helped coordinate the cleanup project, liked the idea. He said the committee is still actively open to ideas for the betterment of the area. Walker said the Renovo Area Heritage Park group is also planning a local 175th celebration.

Graw said Tuesday her idea would be a free fun day for area residents that could include a community picnic, perhaps something on the river and possibly a time to share memories or memorabilia from the past. The day could include games, live music, and free light refreshments, perhaps hot dogs and soda.
 She said she will talk to area municipal leaders and see if WCC municipalities want to hold a 175th anniversary celebration.

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