Chapman Township ‘Agriculture’ Ordinance

let-edDear fellow Farmers and Homesteaders,

On March 1, 2016 at the Chapman Township meeting it was passed that anyone living in Chapman Township that doesn’t have agriculture, or forest agriculture, must get rid of all their farm animals, now I am under agriculture, but this makes me angry to no end, I am all about my fellow farmer no matter how big or how small if you want to farm urban chickens like Philadelphia and Pittsburg do … then by all means you should be allowed to do so … but Chapman Township Planning Committee has other agendas like their own personal ones.

The current ordinance states:


The Chapman Township Board of Supervisors states the following legislative finding with respect to land use, density of population, location and function of roads, and other community facilities and utilities, and other factors which the Board believes relevant in establishing community development objectives for the future development of the Township. It is the purpose of the Ordinance to reflect the objectives of the Township, to establish such other objectives as may be deemed necessary, and to provide the means and regulations whereby these objectives may be attained. In developing the following objectives reference was made to the Clinton County Comprehensive Plan adopted December 12, 1992, and the Clinton County Natural

Heritage Inventory adopted February 9, 1994.

(1) Maintain the agricultural productivity of prime soils and assure the continuance of farming as an important commercial operation and life style.

(2) Minimize the impact of residential development on agriculture and ensure that normal farm practices will not be affected by such development.

(3) Develop zoning and subdivision approaches that recognize the natural and ecological importance of wooded and open space areas and encourage the preservation of open space for both public and private use.

Here is what got passed tonight at the Chapman Township Meeting:

SECTION XV. Article VII of the Chapman Township Zoning Ordinance shall be amended by adding the following Section 7.44:

Section 7.44 -Regulations Governing Farm Animals:

1. Outdoor farm animals shall only be permitted in the Nature/Conservation District, Forest and Agricultural District and Industrial District., subject to the following conditions:

a. All minimum lot area, setback and height regulations for the underlying district shall apply.

b. All feces accumulated on private property shall be removed by using the approved sanitary method of double bagging and placed in the trash for collection. Feces shall not accumulate outside. Manure that has been composted may be utilized in gardens.

c. No farm animal shall be permitted to run unrestrained or at large on any road, sidewalk, play area, park, street or alley or on abutting private property of others.

d. All feed, water and other items associated with the farm animal shall be protected in a way that prevents infestation by rats, mice or other rodents, vermin or vectors. Failure to properly store these items shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance.

2. Domesticated cats and dogs shall not be considered a farm animal under this Ordinance and may be permitted in any zoning district.

I invite you to come to the Planning Commission Meeting to fight for your right to have a hen, a rabbit or to have horses and cows on Tuesday, March 8 at 6:00 p.m. at the Chapman Township Building.


Robin Davenport

North Bend

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