PRR Continues Revitalization Projects
RENOVO – Years of salt have taken their toll on the railroad retaining wall along Erie avenue. PRR has taken on the project to help restore parts of the wall as part of their ongoing revitalization project.
Step one of the repairs after picking and clearing all existing loose concrete, is to coat the entire surface of the existing wall with concrete adhesive compound to enable a good “bond” between old and new. TAPCON screws are also driven into the old concrete in many areas to ensure an additional tight bond between old and new concrete. The only thing that stopped the PRR gang this week was they ran out of materials (cement & adhesive) or they could have completed it. The wall is 95% completed at this time and PRR plans to finish the project next weekend.
Volunteers are always needed; there have already been people volunteering to help paint the wall after the concrete repairs are totally complete. PRR will let everyone know when the painting will occur so as many as possible that want to participate can get into the spirit of renewal as well.