BENV Kiwanis Celebrates Centennial
MILL HALL – The Kiwanis Club of Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys hosted an unusual interclub meeting/social event on May 13, 2015 at the new First Citizens Community Bank in Mill Hall. With the 100 year anniversary of the founding of Kiwanis in 1915, the theme was the Roaring 20’s. We went back in time to the days of prohibition with the bank lobby decorated as a speakeasy. Many attendees came dressed as flappers and gangsters.
Entertainment featured gambling with chocolate coins for mystery prizes. During the evening the joint was raided by pretend police who “arrested” members for drinking during prohibition. Members who were busted were thrown in “jail” and had to donate to the Eliminate project to gain their release. Eliminate is a joint Kiwanis International/UNICEF project to help eradicate the maternal and neonatal tetanus disease across the globe. Proceeds from raffles conducted during the evening also were contributed to Eliminate.
Our speaker was Susan Grab, a past Kiwanis Pennsylvania District governor. She told us about Caitlin’s Smiles, a project that she started to help children with terminal illnesses. Being from Hershey, she also spoke about Hershey’s chocolates and provided us all with some samples of classic and newer Hershey’s products.
Club treasurer Sally Garrison-Young was presented a Kiwanis Centennial Award in recognition of her work leading club fund raising initiatives for the Eliminate project. The award was presented by Ethan McBeth, Kiwanis Pennsylvania District coordinator for Eliminate.
Club President-Elect Matt Wise served as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Club member Susan Powlus chaired the committee that arranged the thoroughly enjoyable evening. Information on club activities may be found on Facebook at