Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

Science, simply stated, is the study of knowledge. It is said of Daniel and his three Hebrew friends that they were “skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science.” (Daniel 1:4)

True science is good, but the apostle Paul warned young Timothy about “science falsely so called.” (I Timothy 6:20) It is in opposition to the Word of God.

Beware of those who try to disprove God and the Bible by what they call science. One of the attributes of God is his Omniscience. That word means All- Knowing. Omni is all. Science is knowledge.

It is thought that Science and God don’t go together. They must be kept separate. Evolution is called science, but is it really? More and more scientists are rejecting evolution and turning toward creationism. They refer to God as a higher power, as a first cause.

Michael Faraday, the distinguished scientist of years past, was a believer in God. To him, God was not just a higher power, or a first cause. He believed in the God of the Bible, the Creator of heaven and earth.

He also knew what he believed when it came to his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. As he was coming to the end of his life, some of his students asked him, “What are your speculations

His quick answer was: “Speculations, I have none. I’m resting on certainties.”



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