Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

“Live in the right way, serve God, have faith, love, patience, and gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, grabbing hold of the life that continues forever”. These words can be found in I Timothy 6:11-12

We can find many verses in scripture that remind us how to live our lives. Do you ever get impatient or frustrated with your life, trying to do things that are just difficult to accomplish at times? We all know to be patient but that can be hard too.

One of my favorite authors is Max Lucado and he says that “God uses today’s difficulties to strengthen you for tomorrow. He is equipping you.” I guess God does try to help us get through some of our frustrations as we get older. He definitely is our strength and our source of power that gives us life.

At the end of the day, I try to think of what was the best part of the day. Sometimes it is the fact that I didn’t lose anything that day, because there are some days when I spend a lot of time looking for something that I have misplaced. Most of the time it is what made my day a productive day, or that I took the time to do something for someone.

Taking time to pray, listening to Christian radio, or reading an inspirational book can help to make our day brighter. Visiting a shut-in or just calling them is a good thing to do.

We all have struggles, we all have to face what comes down our path, but our faith in God makes us strong and whatever we do, God does what is right. He saves us with His grace and loves us in spite of our shortcomings or our mistakes.



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