Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

How has 22 years flown by so fast? As this week approached September 11th, those memories of that horrible day come back into our thoughts. Any time in history that we live through something like that reminds us about the frailty of human life. The thousands of people that lost their lives that day never knew it was going to be their last day on earth. After that day, we all realized how we have to be ready every day to meet our Savior. We should spend every day getting prepared for the return of Jesus. None of us know when that day will be, but just like Jesus taught the disciples, we have to be ready! Is it time? Many wonder if the end of the world is coming.

Even the disciples asked Jesus when He talked about the end of time, “Tell us, when will this be, what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?”

In Matthew, chapter 24, it tells us all that Jesus told them. Jesus told them that there will be many who come, saying they are the Christ. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Jesus said there would be famine and earthquakes.

There is so much to read about the end times.

It seems there has been many wars, many natural disasters ,and lots of diseases that have plagued our world. And this is the world that we live in today and we do wonder if Jesus is coming back.

It is amazing when we think about the kind of world that we are living in and we wonder when God will say it is time. None of us have a clue, but until that day comes, we can let our hearts be full of the love of Jesus and live our lives as a reflection of Him.

As I was preparing this column, the news reported about the earthquake in Morocco that has killed almost 3,000 people. Another disaster to remind us not to take our days for granted but live them as though it was our last day on earth. Pray for our world and those we love!




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