Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

In the gospel we see Jesus going from town to town and from Village to Village. He went through all of Galilee, according to Matthew 4:23, teaching and preaching and healing people of all kinds of sickness and disease.

There were times when Jesus revisited these towns. On one occasion, when he showed up again, he was gladly received. The people had been waiting for him to return. (Luke 8:40 )

Jesus was not always gladly received. There were places where he was not welcome. There were times when he was warned not to come back.

In one city Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. The people were full of wrath because of what he said from the scriptures. They rose up and threw him out of the city. (Luke 4:28-30)

John 1:10-12 tells us that when Jesus came down from heaven, he was not well received. He was the world, the world that he made, but the world did not know him. He came for his own, but they did not receive him.

But those who do receive him are glad they did. They become the children of God through faith in Jesus’ name.
Just as the people were waiting for Jesus in Luke 8:40, we are to be waiting for God’s son from heaven.  (IThess.1:10)




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