Mill Hall’s Floating Feathers tasting preview big hit

Photo courtesy Clinton County Visitors Bureau

MILL HALL, PA – Owners Lee and Andi Powers were tired but elated by late Friday afternoon after a vastly successful preview for their new Floating Feathers Brewery Company along the banks of Fishing Creek in Mill Hall.

They opened prior to noon on New Year’s Eve and by 2:30 p.m. their craft beer was gone, as were the hundreds of patrons who enjoyed their first tasting event. The one-day opening came almost a year to the day that the Powers purchased and began restoring the two-story frame structure, more than 150 years old, which had fallen into disrepair in recent years.

The husband-wife team said the Friday event was a prelude to an anticipated full-tilt opening to coincide with the start of fishing season next April, the business located along one of Pennsylvania’s top trout streams.

In the meantime, Dr. Powers said, some interim tasting opportunities are planned, including at the Early Bird Expo, an outdoor event in Bloomsburg on Jan. 27-30. Food was part of the Friday opening in Mill Hall as Floating Feathers has teamed with Good Essa, an Amish dairy store in Howard.

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