Words of Grace 11/4
By Rev. Mahlon Nevel
The time had come for Jesus to make his departure from this world. He was going back to Heaven, from where he had come. It says of Jesus, “having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them unto the end” ( John 13:1).
Then Jesus spoke encouraging words to his disciples so that their hearts would not be troubled and afraid. (14:1, 27) He also spoke to them about not being offended in this world when he was no longer here. (16:1, 2).
time would come, Jesus told them, when they would be put out of the synagogues. It would even come to pass, Jesus foresaw that his followers would be killed by those who think they are doing it for God.
A man by the name of Saul fit this description. He was very zealous for his religion, but he hated the church and the Christians. When Stephen was stoned to death, he gave his consent. (Acts 8:1)
And then, as he threatened to slaughter the disciples of the Lord, he met the one he was fighting against, the Lord Jesus. Saul of Taurus later became the apostle Paul.
He admitted to being the least of the apostles, who was not even fit to be called an apostle, because he persecuted the church. (I Corinthians 15: 9) But the grace of God made all the difference. (v. 10