LCB votes to move Lock Haven State Store to another city site in Clinton Plaza
HARRISBURG, PA – With virtually no previous word, the state Liquor Control Board voted on Wednesday to relocate that agency’s E. Main Street, Lock Haven “Wine and Spirits” store to Clinton Plaza, off E. Walnut Street and still within the city limits.
Brief word of the store’s transfer was relayed after the meeting. It is understood the new site will be in the former CVS drug store location at the plaza.
The current state store has been at its E. Main Street location since 1973, previously located across the street from the current site. That building has been leased from longtime owner Ronnie Pete, a former local resident now residing in southeastern Pennsylvania. It is understood that Pete was unaware a relocation was under consideration.
It was five years ago the LCB had proposed moving the store from Lock Haven to a then vacant storefront at Millbrook Plaza on Hogan Boulevard in Bald Eagle Township. But a local effort was mounted to keep the store in the city’s downtown and the state lease was renewed with Pete. City and county officials at the time had voiced support to keep the business as an “anchor store” in the downtown. Mike Hanna, state representative at the time, had been at the forefront of that effort.
The three-member LCB board, headed by former congressman Tim Holdren, voted for the change.