City Thanks Three Departing Veteran Staffers


LOCK HAVEN – Lock Haven City Council Monday night gave a warm send-off to three city officials who have logged a cumulative 87 years in city service.

City manager Rich Marcinkevage with 41 years of service, police chief Keith Kibler with 25 years on the city force, and city planner Leonora Hannagan with 21 years are vacating their posts. All three were presented with their own “key to the city” for their “dedication and service” to Lock Haven.

They were recognized at the conclusion of a brief city council meeting and then feted at a surprise celebration attended by city staff, friends, family and well-wishers.

Marcinkevage received a standing ovation from the filled council chambers. He joined the city in 1976 as city engineer and became manager in 1997. Council vice-president Steve Stevenson called Marcinkevage “the consummate professional and gentleman.” The city manager briefly recounted challenges the city faced over his 41 years in City Hall, particularly mentioning the divisive effort to get flood protection, a project that took some 20 years to bring to successful fruition. Marcinkevage lauded city staff for its support over the years.

Kibler will be leaving the police force to become the Lock Haven area magisterial district judge with the beginning of the new year; his last day with the city will be this Friday. Marcinkevage indicated he will still be involved in city operations to some degree in the new year while Hannagan will be retiring.

The meeting saw council give final approval to a 2018 budget amounting to $11.6 million. City taxes and water and sewer levies will remain unchanged in the new year.

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