LHU Hosts Pennsylvania Core Conference
LOCK HAVEN – Faculty and administrators from all levels of education were invited to attend the Pennsylvania Core Conference held at Lock Haven University’s Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center. Not only did local school districts attend, but University faculty from various departments as well.
Pennsylvania is one of forty states that have adopted Pennsylvania Core Standards for K-12. May states have adopted Common Core Standards, but Pennsylvania’s are slightly different, and therefore known as the Pennsylvania Core Standards. The Core Standards are not meant to replace content standards, but to prepare high school students for college and career readiness and to avoid remediation courses at the college level.
“Our staff, colleagues, and peers believe that preparing students, teachers, and higher education faculty for the Pennsylvania Core Standards is a shared responsibility and we look forward to working with local school districts for the continued success of all students,” said Susan Rimby, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Education.
The conference was held at the Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center, where lunch was provided for all participants. Keynote speaker, Ms. Elizabeth Ross, Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, spoke to the crowd of over 70 attendees. Followed by the keynote presentation were table discussions among participants regarding the standards and application within the classroom, targeting a better outcome for all students across the Commonwealth. “It is our hope that the discussions will result in common understandings and future collaborations between K-12 and higher education that will benefit all of us,” said Rimby.
Lock Haven University is a member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE), the largest provider of higher education in the commonwealth. Its 14 universities offer more than 250 degree and certificate programs in more than 120 areas of study. Nearly 405,000 system alumni live and work in Pennsylvania.