Submit News and Photos to The Record

Please use the form below to send us your news stories, tips, ideas and suggestions and photos you would like to share for publication.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL anonymous sources of information including submissions that include bogus or false phone numbers and/or email addresses will be ignored and deleted immediately. If you can’t share your identity, we can’t trust your submission as being genuine.

We welcome articles/press releases with photos and graphics for news briefs, milestones, general news about our schools, churches, civic groups, businesses and charitable organizations from all across Clinton County. We also welcome your feedback as well as Letters to the Editor concerning any topic you think would be of interest to our readers.

Please include complete contact information as we may need to verify authenticity before we can publish the information submitted. We will not publish any information or letters that we receive anonymously.

For Letters to Editor/Opinion Articles Click Here

If you have any questions please call:

Renovo Office ā€“ (570) 923-1500

Mill Hall Office – (570) 858-0268

Any letter to the editors or opinion articles submitted using this form will not be accepted. Please use the link above for those types. Thank you!

    Full Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)


    Your Message

    Submit Press Release - Letter to the Editor - Ads in PDF format

    Submissions should be .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .doc or .docx format (.rtf or .docx preferred for articles)
    Document 1

    Submit Photos - Ads in Image format

    Submissions should be .jpg or png format for online use, not embedded in another document.
    Images for print use should be at least 200 ppi in jpg or tif format

    Photo 1
    Photo 2

    (Attachments have a 2MB limit)

    Terms of Use Agreement

    All documents and/or images submitted are authored by me or I have express written permission from the author and/or photographer to offer these items for editorial publication use by The Record, and Clinton County Publishing.
    The Record, therecord-online reserves the right to edit for clarity, accuracy and brevity all submissions as may be required. All Letters to the Editor must be dated, signed and offer complete contact information to confirm authenticity. No Letters to the Editor will be published until verified.
    Check here if you accept these terms. (required)

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