Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

Children have an extraordinary curiosity that never ceases to amaze me. Recently, as I was in a kindergarten class, a little boy said to me,

“Mrs. Sykes, do you ever give up?” Just out of nowhere, so we talked a little bit about how we should never give up, but keep trying.

It seems that whenever we are around children, they always have words of wisdom. We can always learn something every day whether it’s from children or something else. Sometimes we have no choice but to learn as we live in a world where technology is always changing. Whenever I need to figure something out on my cell phone, I ask my 12 year old grandson most of the time, and he knows exactly what to do.

As I was thinking about that little boy later, I started reading some comments that children have written, or asked about God. Here are just a few that made me smile: “ I wish God had a phone so that I could talk to him, cause I don’t know if He hears me when I’m praying”.

Sometimes just the simple things children say, make us smile.

If we discuss God as adults, we can get into some complicated discussions, but ask a child to describe God and you will have a very different experience. Their answers are pure, and even insightful at times. This is what one child said, “ God lives in every living thing. So my doctor has seen God when he cuts people open.” Yep, out of the mouth of babes.

When it comes to learning about, Jesus, kids are always so interested in learning about who He is. that’s why it tells us in the Scriptures that we should be as little children and have that same faith. Sometimes their innocence and their enthusiasm can be contagious.

Well, whether we learn something from a little child, or from someone else, it is good to learn something every day. We also have much to learn about our spiritual world. In the book of Philippians, Paul talked about the people growing in knowledge and understanding. So studying the Scriptures is just as important as the things we learn just to get through our day.



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