Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

Our area got to see a showcase of God’s handiwork this week as a double rainbow appeared in the evening sky!!

It was so bright and lasted longer than usual too. When we look up into the sky as a rainbow appears, it is amazing how God uses the mixture of raindrops and sunshine to give us something so beautiful that He has created!

Another act of wonder this week has been to have so many children come out for our Vacation Bible School at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Children teach us so much about life if we just watch them. Their eagerness to learn and their level of energy is something to behold!! As I heard a six year old tell us that Jesus died on the cross for us is, in my opinion, hope for the world. Children certainly are our future, so my prayer has been that all of our dedicated volunteers at our “Making Waves” VBS, will have planted some seeds about how Jesus loves us through singing, making crafts, saying grace at snack time, learning about creation, but mostly just giving some time to teach our precious little ones about Him. It has been fun and also encouraging, so I am looking forward to more Bible schools this summer!

When we witness these moments, whether it is a rainbow, or a child’s joy, we can thank God for how faithful He is to grant us so many special times that remind us of His promise to continually bless us and never forsake us.
When Noah saw the rainbow, that was a symbol of a covenant from God. There were many times throughout scripture when God had that type of relationship with Abraham, Moses, and many others. He sends many reminders to us through creation.

Keep looking for those God moments every day, and the next time we are lucky enough to catch a rainbow, let us praise God for how He shows us His glory and majesty in so many ways!



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