The Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

This week will sure bring about some changes for our school students and our graduates of 2023!! Our elementary students will be excited to move on to the next grade and our seniors are more than ready to move on to their next chapter in life!!

Change can be a good thing but it can also bring about some anxiety. Life sure will be different for those who are leaving high school after 13 years of being with teachers and classmates.

Those of us who have been out of school for several years can probably give lots of advice because we have been through many changes ourselves. Those of us who believe in Jesus,

know that we have come this far because we have trusted in the plans God has had for us.

In Jeremiah 29:11, we are reminded by these words: “ I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “ I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come. Then you will call out to me. You will come and pray to me. And I will listen to you. When you look for me with all your heart, you will find me.” That is such great advice for our young people, but we have to wonder how many young people truly know about the love of Jesus and that God will be with them in their journey through life.

We can pray for our young people every day. There are so many things in the world today that can lead them down the wrong path. You see it every day in the news.

There will be many changes in their lives, as our seniors go off to college, or join the military, or enter the work force. God loves them all and He will never change but continue to walk beside them in whatever they do in the future.

Let us all say a special prayer for our little children for a safe summer and for our graduates to know that God has a special plan for each of them.

After so many years of working in our schools, these young people always have a very special place in my heart and my prayers are with every one of them.



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