Optimist’s Roundtable

By Martha Sykes

It seems that many times, as we read the gospel, we find Jesus among crowds of people that gather to hear Him teach or be healed by Him. Very often, we find that Jesus leaves the disciples for a time and goes to a quiet place to pray, or just to have a talk with God. He spent a lot of time waiting upon the Lord and also working on His relationship, and strengthening His attachment to His Heavenly Father.

Makes it think about us, and if we take time to remember God is there for us and to listen to us. He is always waiting for us to develop and strengthen our relationship with Him.

Do we stop and think where our strength comes from for our days, or our food for our journey, or the recovery for our soul, or hope for our hearts and direction for our lives? Believe it or not, that all comes from God.

During this time of Lent, we need to turn aside from our every day lives, and from our worries and anxieties, and allow God to restore us and guide us so that we can do with our days what God wants us to do and what He made us to be. He is always ready to hear us.
I wrote this poem that I would like to share with you:

We all need some healing

In one way or another

And we all need a friend

Like a sister or a brother

A friend who will help us

In times of our need

A friend who would love us

Who will plant that first seed

It’s the love of our Savior

We need most of all

He’s there to carry each of us

As we stumble and fall

Sometimes life gives us lemons

Trials and troubles in this place

But God sends His love

His power and His grace

He listens as we grumble

He listens as we pray

His faithfulness is something

That’s there for us each day

So let us all be faithful

Make a way for Christ in our life

Give Him all our sorrows

Our troubles and our strife



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