Optimist’s Roundtable
By Martha Sykes
There was a Church that suddenly stopped buying pencils from a certain office supply. The manager called the preacher to ask what the problem was. The preacher said, “ We ordered some pencils from you to be used in the pews for visitors to sign their visitor’s card”. The manager said, “Didn’t you receive them from us? We sent them to you.”
“Oh, yes, we received them all right, BUT, you sent us pencils, stamped with the words,
Play Golf next Sunday!”
Well, sometimes the world out there doesn’t think we need to worship with one another, but we do. It’s important that we come to church and fellowship with others as we all are believers in Christ. But the world calls us all the time to worship worldly things, God is who we need to give our priority to. He deserves our attendance and attention. He deserves our best worship inside and outside the church. We all need motivation to work and God should be our motivating factor. He needs to be the center of our lives and he needs to be in our hearts. If the heart is right, the hands will work. We need to keep our faith strong, and we need to share our faith every day by the way we walk, and by the way we talk.
The world does call us to worship the things of this world, but God calls us to do His work on this earth. He gives us all certain talents and wants us to use those gifts to build up His kingdom.
Just like Jesus called His disciples, who were just ordinary people, He calls us to every day to spread the gospel through the way we live and work.
Do you ever feel that God calls you to do something? Many times I have felt God nudge me to do something that I didn’t feel qualified to do, but after I did it, I was grateful that I listened to His still small voice.
Very soon, we will be entering the Lenten season and we will have ecumenical services in our churches. Maybe God will nudge you to join us in worship where we can join our voices to praise Him for all He does for us!