How to Grill in the Chill of Winter

By Nicholas Meat LLC.

LOGANTON, PA- Is Jack Frost nipping at your nose? For many, the onset of winter is the time to tuck the grill away and hit the comfort food.  

To grill during our chilly Pennsylvania winters, one needs to be safe, prepared and smart. Nicholas Meat, a family-owned beef processing plant in Loganton, Penn., shares some suggestions so you can savor that hot hot-off-the-grill flavor, no matter the season.  

Beef is the ultimate comfort food. Follow these simple steps and soon you’ll have beef steaks roasting on an open fire – or in this case, a nice grill. 

Be Safe 

A few steps of precaution will ensure your entire family will enjoy a tasty, stress-free meal. 

Dress for the Weather: Wear the appropriate clothing if it’s cold outside. Avoid wearing scarves that can trail into open flames. Remember, mittens and gloves are no substitute for heat-resistant gloves or potholders. 

Have Proper Ventilation: Never grill in the house, in the garage, or even under an overhang despite the temperature. Place the grill 10 feet away from combustible materials and in a well-ventilated area. Avoid windy areas if possible. 

Prevent Ice / Slips: Heat plus snow can equal ice. Keep a bucket of snow salt near your grilling area to prevent a slippery workspace. It’s always best to be safe when working around a heat source. 

Be Prepared 

As the adage says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In this case, we think it means a pound of beef. Take a few extra minutes to ensure you have everything you need to start your project. 

Clear the Area: Ensure there’s a good ice-free path to the grill. Make sure you have ample space around the grill to add fuel or make other equipment adjustments. Good lighting is also a must after dark. Try using a headlamp to avoid an external light with an extension cord, as this only adds a trip hazard to your cooking area. 

Clean the Grill: Be sure your grates are clean to ensure proper air movement. If food needs to cook longer because of dirty grates, it could lead to dry meat. 

Add Time & Fuel: The temperature may impact the heat in the grill. During chilly weather, add 5-10 minutes to the time needed to preheat your grill. Cold temps may also require extra fuel to maintain a consistent temperature inside your grill. Have more briquettes, wood or propane on hand, so you’re not left holding a raw steak. 

 Be Smart 

When preparing to grill outside during colder temperatures, have a plan to work smarter – not harder.  

Use the Correct Tools: Not matter the season, a meat thermometer is a must when grilling. You can be fancy with a wi-fi thermometer and check meat from your phone or go old school and use a regular meat thermometer. Either way – use a device to ensure your meat is done to perfection. Wondering what temperature your cut should be? Check out our blog on the topic

Keep the Lid Closed: If you’re looking, you aren’t cooking! Keep the lid down on your grill and try not to look at the meat too often. Opening the lid often can add another 5-7 minutes to the cooking time. The more you open the top, the longer it will take to get the beef on your table. 

Simplify the Menu: Sub-zero temperatures are not the best time to try a complicated dish on the grill. Cook something that doesn’t need to be flipped often, if at all. Our friends at the Pennsylvania Beef Council have a number of grilling recipes if you’re looking for inspiration. 

At the end of the day, it’s all about enjoying yourself with family or friends over a nice cut of beef. Use these tips to have a great grilled piece of beef this winter! Learn more at

Editors Note: This story was submitted by Nicholas Meat LLC. 

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