Optimist Roundtable

'Tis the Season

By Martha Sykes

There’s a hymn that tells of the desire of Isaiah, and of people of all times for God to come down. It is a familiar song that we sing during the advent season. It goes like this:

“I come, oh come Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel, That mourns in lowly exile here, Until the Son of God appears”. This is what Isaiah was talking about in chapter 64. If you read, the passage tells of Israel’s desire for God to reveal himself once again to His people.

‘Tis the season to get ready and prepare for the return of Jesus. Yes, it is the beautiful season of Christmas!! As we have seen, Christmas preparation’s seem to start earlier every year. We’ve seen Christmas displays in the stores even before Halloween. I guess life seems to be following some traditional advice, which says.”One can never start too early to get ready for something big!”

Advent is a time of expectation, anticipation, and preparation for celebrating the fact that Jesus came into this world over 2000 years ago. Just like Isaiah spoke about Jesus was coming into the hearts of those who believed and He gave them, just like He offers to us, a new life!

“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you!” These words of the prophet Isaiah are spoken on behalf of a people who were at a time when they were powerless and oppressed. This passage is almost in the form of a prayer which expresses the hope of advent. Isaiah and his people are waiting for Christ, and he petitions Christ to come down, but in order to attract God’s attention, something must be done besides shouting, and then Isaiah remembers it. Israel has sinned and his unclean.

Just like Isaiah was waiting for God to come again, to open up the heavens so He can become involved in what is happening on the earth, that seems to be our own plea as we live in this dark world.

For all of us to experience advent, we must experience confession and repentance, because we all know in order to have Christ come into our hearts, we have to confess our sins and repent.

Every day of our lives, Jesus gives us the chance to take Him into our hearts, and live our lives as a reflection of Jesus.



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