Words of Grace – Nov. 21, 2014


The Bible tells us that any person who continues to learn, day after day, is truly wise. He “will hear and will increase learning,” according to Proverbs 1:5.

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be wiser. Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning” (Proverbs 9:9).

“Take my yoke upon you,” Jesus said, “and Jesus said, and learn of me” (Matthew 11:29). He wanted his disciples to learn about him, and also to learn from him. He was their teacher and their example.

The yoke that Jesus referred to consisted of a crosspiece with two box-shaped pieces that joined two oxen together so that they could unite their strength to pull a load together. Jesus wants us to yoke up with him so that we can learn about him with him as our teacher.

John 5:39 tells us: “Search the Scriptures.” It is the Scriptures that “testify” of Jesus.

“Study,” Paul told Timothy, so that he could” rightly divide the word of truth” (Second Timothy 2:15). To study is to be a diligent student of the Bible, “a workman that needs not to be ashamed” of his knowledge of the Bible.

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