Words of Grace

By Rev. Mahlon Nevel

While the Apostle Paul waited for his fellow missionaries Silas and Timothy to meet up with him in the city of Athens, his spirit was grieved. The people were completely given over to Idolatry. (Acts 17:16)

Not only were they worshipers of idols, but they had something else in common. They all spent all of their time telling or hearing something new. (V. 21)

The New Age Movement has become so popular for that very reason. People are looking for something new in these modern times: a new God, a new Gospel, a new church.

We need to hold on to the old ways, the established ways. “Give me that old time religion, we sing, it’s good enough for me.”

A prime minister who served the people of England in that position was known to be a godly Christian. He once said that if he were asked what the remedy is for the deep sorrows of the human heart, what a man should look to as the power to sustain him, and what would enable him to confront his afflictions, he would point to the words of a hymn.

“The old, old story is told in an old, old book, and taught with an old, old teaching, which is the best gift ever given.”



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